Friday, October 3, 2008

October 3rd

So my lack of postings is not from laziness, it is because I haven't had anything happen. My last HS lesion was at the end of July, that feels pretty amazing. The last time it was the infrequent was about 7 years ago when my disease was starting.

Two of the comments I received I figured I would post here for everyone to read instead of replying to the comment... "Question remains - does this helps with your HS, or it is just an esthetical thing you wanted regardless?" and "It has been more than a month since your last post, and I was wondering if there has been any progress? Did you notice any change of rate of new lesions, or even its severity?

This has totally helped with my HS, I've had I think about 6 HS lesions since I've started this (I'd have to count the times I've posted about them because those are the only ones I've gotten), that is the complete opposite of last year around summer time, which is usually when it's at it's worst.

In non-summer months I would typically get 15 - 30 lesions a month, summer months use to be around 25 - 60. This is compared to 6 in the past 4 months. The ones that I've had the severity is definately much less and they last shorter periods of time. There has not been one time this summer that my HS lesions impared my mobility. If I remember right, most of the ones I've had the past few months go away in under a week instead of 1-2 weeks, I think one of them went away in 3 days.

I didn't really want it for esthetic reasons, quite the opposite in fact. I've wanted to get laser hair removal for a few years now because I thought it would help out with my HS. I know everyone is not the same, but my HS has always gotten worse any time I shave, which is why I didn't shave for 3 years, just trimmed. One of the reason that kept me from doing this sooner (the other reason being money) is I was so fearful of having my skin out in the open. I hate how my skin looks, covered in scars and mangled. It might not be "that bad" but frequently when I look at my skin I cry, it's not how I remember it, it's alien to me, it doesn't look pretty like it use to. When I still had my hair it at least covered most of my scars. I could look at myself naked and pretend they weren't there. Now every time I look at myself all I see is the scars. I'm getting better dealing with that than I was four months ago, it's still difficult. I'm trying not to let it interfere with my sex life, thankfully I have a very understanding boyfriend. I would rather deal with the emotional issues I'm having with my body image now than deal with the HS lesions, so even if this only helps my HS a little or for a few months, it's completely worth it to me.

My next laser hair removal appointment is on Monday. Unfortunately my digital camera has decided to hide from me so I can't take an updated picture today. I will continue my hunt for it.